- electron multiplication
- • электронное усиление• умножение электронов (рдм.)
Англо-русский словарь по ядерным испытаниям и горному делу. 2013.
Англо-русский словарь по ядерным испытаниям и горному делу. 2013.
electron multiplication — elektronų dauginimas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. electron multiplication vok. Elektronenvervielfachung, f rus. умножение электронов, n pranc. multiplication des électrons, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
multiplication des électrons — elektronų dauginimas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. electron multiplication vok. Elektronenvervielfachung, f rus. умножение электронов, n pranc. multiplication des électrons, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Electron avalanche — An electron avalanche is a process in which a number of free electrons in a medium (usually a gas) are subjected to strong acceleration by an electric field, ionizing the medium s atoms by collision (called impact ionization), thereby forming new … Wikipedia
Electron-multiplying CCD — An electron multiplying CCD (EMCCD, also known as an L3Vision CCD, L3CCD or Impactron CCD) is a charge coupled device in which a gain register is placed between the shift register and the output amplifier. The gain register is split up into a… … Wikipedia
Electron cloud — Nuage d électrons Un nuage d électrons (en anglais, electron cloud ou e cloud) est un groupe d électrons qui voyagent dans un accélérateur de particules après avoir été arrachés à des gaz résiduels contenus dans l accélérateur et aux parois de l… … Wikipédia en Français
Environmental scanning electron microscope — Wool fibers imaged in an ESEM by the use of two symmetrical plastic scintillating backscattered electron detectors … Wikipedia
radiation measurement — ▪ technology Introduction technique for detecting the intensity and characteristics of ionizing radiation, such as alpha, beta, and gamma rays or neutrons, for the purpose of measurement. The term ionizing radiation refers to those… … Universalium
Vacuum tube — This article is about the electronic device. For experiments in an evacuated pipe, see free fall. For the transport system, see pneumatic tube. Modern vacuum tubes, mostly miniature style In electronics, a vacuum tube, electron tube (in North… … Wikipedia
Avalanche photodiode — Avalanche photodiodes (APDs) are photodetectors that can be regarded as the semiconductor analog to photomultipliers. By applying a high reverse bias voltage (typically 100 200 V in silicon), APDs show an internal current gain effect (around 100) … Wikipedia
Multipactor effect — The multipactor effect is a phenomenon in radio frequency (RF) amplifier vacuum tubes and waveguides, where, under certain conditions, secondary electron emission in resonance with an alternating electric field leads to exponential electron… … Wikipedia
image orthicon — noun a now obsolete picture pickup tube in a television camera; electrons emitted from a photoemissive surface in proportion to the intensity of the incident light are focused onto the target causing secondary emission of electrons (Freq. 1) •… … Useful english dictionary